Tricks to Deal with PhD Boredom

Spending four years in the academia is not as easy as falling off a log. Foraging literature, lab experiments, writing arguments cause monotony. It is normal to start loathing your subject. However, you can easily deal with boredom.

Start early

Jadedness usually arises when you feel overwhelmed by your research workload, you feel nagged by an inner critic that you cannot work hard to accomplish your research, and you feel constant apprehensions. To control your scepticism, you should start as early as you can. The earlier you start, the better. Scheduling your writing will keep you from depression that you face while writing your whole thesis at the last minute.

Use the most productive method

Research is strenuous and therefore you need to find out a productive way to carry out it in time. Identify the time when ideas are mapped out in your brain and what is the best time for writing because framing ideas is one thing and writing them is a whole different thing. If you work better in the morning, do it in the morning. If you feel better working at night, do it at night. Try to be more productive so that you can get free time to relax your brain instead of making the excuse that you have lots of work to do.

Give yourself time off

Taking time out from your hectic schedule is also crucial to avoid feeling like you are stuck in a rut. Recreational activities such as casual meetings with friends, watching movies, and attending parties can prevent you from tedium. However, this comes to happen if you start early. Make your writing schedule from the beginning of your research. Use programmes such as EndNote to have your work done easily.

PhD is a marathon that requires tedious research. The only tip to keep yourself from boredom is to start writing as soon as possible.

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